My first Game jam Game.
SNOKE was my first Game Jam Game and was created in 2022 at the Schmiede-GameJam im Hallein Austria. It was created in collaboration with Scally.
The game can be found at:
The theme for the Game Jam was Eat your friends. Our interpretation of this was a singleplayer snake game where one needs to eat oneself in order to split into multiple snakes.
The game was created in pure JavaScript and follows an ASCII-Style. Snakes can be selected via their letter on the keyboard. A selected snake can be controlled with the arrow keys. The challenge in the game lies in having to coordinate multiple snakes at the same time in order to complete level goals.
A Small Hint for the Game
Ingame you can trigger a tick by pressing Space ;)
My contribution to this was the implemetation of the tick-timer, the level configuration system, the powerups, the wave system as well as the scoring.