Foetality: Game Jam Edition
An wacky Game Jam Game.
Foetality was created in 48h as part of the 10th MMArmalade Game jam organised by students of the MMA course of the University of Applied Science Salzburg.
The theme of the game jam was: “you are what you eat”
So naturally we decided to make a game about cannibalism! After all, if a person eats another person, he remains a person. Duh. After some back and forth we ended up with the game “Fötality: Föten die sich töten”. This is the german title which is a pun on fetus and fatality and roughly translates to “Foetality: Fetuses that kill each other”.
The idea was to have Hannibal Lecter babies that eat each other in their mothers womb. We lovingly called our player characters “Hannibal-lecker”, once again a german pun translating to “Hannibal-tasty”.
The game even won a little award! It got the first place for the special LudeCat ranking!

The gameplay itself features two players that both control a ragdoll Hannibal-lecker. The goal is to dash into the other player, spam buttons and gnaw off their limbs to kill them. Players are able to shake off opponents that are latched onto them. The last cannibal standing wins!
- Isabelle Posch: Character Art
- Sina Anders: Level Art and Animations
- Johanna Fuchs: VFX
- Bernadette Erkinger: Title-Screen and UI
- Elias Tieber: Audio
- Nico Weiser: Movement and Countdown
- David Märzendorfer: Ragdoll physics and Game logic