Artificial Museum

My artifact in the Artifical Museum.


So this one is yet another real quick one. So I was at the Schmiede 2024 and met the people behind the Artificial Museum.

The Artificial Museum is an AR application for your browser and phone that allows you to place AR objects at your location. So with this other people can visit this location and view the artifact on their phone in AR.
Artifacts can be interactive pieces with audio, video and 3D models.

At Schmiede the guys were showing of their new editor so I created a little artifact myself. The artifact in question is a sloth (since this years Schmiede topic was Sloth).

I used this opportunity to try out Blender and created a little sloth model that I animated to talk and tell people: “I feel fast today. How about you?”

The model itself is real low-poly and stuff, but hey that’s my first endeavor in modeling and at least its performant^^

Sloth in Blender