game Foetality: Fetus Deletus My first game on steam. Lost Sin(gnl) A game jam game about decrypting messages via additivie synthesis. Momo An interative game for a theatre play. Oasis A Mobile Game Prototype made with Godot. Pocket Garden A mobile game about gardening. SNOKE My first Game jam Game. SweeperMine One of my first games. Trenchc(o)at A little Game Jam game about cats going shopping. Foetality: Game Jam Edition An wacky Game Jam Game. The Wuseling A 4 player local game created in my master studies. Bite me, Boss Another 4 player local game created in my master studies. installation Artificial Museum My artifact in the Artifical Museum. Nicht meine Baustelle An art installation. Sloth-Shot An exhibit at the Schmiede 24. university Memory-Manager in C An old assignment from my bachelor studies. IntelliSynth My Bachelor Thesis. Master-Thesis My Master Thesis. web This Website Yep, you are looking at it. crafting Leather Satchel A hand-sewn leather satchel. Carpentry Trestle A carpentry project with my brother.